About the Artist

I choose to be efficient and mindful of waste, even in this abundant time.

I’m a minimalist in materials, (but not size or in content). My content comes directly from my subconscious, I paint things that later I analyze, like a dream. I’m interested in interpretation, and how our subconscious shows us metaphors about our life through symbolism in both dreams and waking life associations.

I carefully sketch intricate, detailed compositions with graphite and colored pencils onto grey gessoed wood or canvas. Using a knife, I mix just the right amount of oil paint on a circular brass end table with a glass top that I found by a dumpster. Blending into graphite and colored pencil, I mix paint into my sketch. I use poppy, walnut and clove oil as paint thinners and wetness extenders that allow a longer working time; this also allows me to avoid toxic chemicals like turpentine. Little to no waste goes in the landfill, no paint or chemicals down the sink.

 I was born in the back of a toy store in Austin Texas to two rogue scientologists. I was taught from a very young age to self-analyze and interpret dreams.

I have a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where I studied painting, bronze casting, welding and animation.